
I haven’t watched the original Twister. This modern update cum sequel blasted my senses with a firehose filled with Americana. I understand why it did so well at the box office in the United States. It was engineered to pull at the heartstrings of middle America, and it yanked those suckers with abandon and twanged them like the patriotic banjo strings they are.

I found the apparent age difference between the two leads a little unsettling, but it wasn’t a deal-breaker, just weird. Especially the scene where Kate and her mother sit down to an outdoor dinner with Tyler. It felt like Tyler and mom were a more appropriate match. By the way, where the heck was Kate’s dad? That could explain her attraction to her older-looking counterpart.

Questions of generation gaps aside, the film was a by-the-numbers blockbuster with over-the-top special effects that made tornados every bit as menacing as Godzilla. Due to my recent readings of the world’s major religions’ holy books, I couldn’t help but get a little choked up watching the titular force of nature do its thing.

That’s the real power of the LORD right there, y’all.

2025.02.17 – 2025.02.20

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