It pains me to admit that Anya Taylor-Joy is a celebrity crush. I want to be above such things, but I’m not immune to the ethereal charms of a talented actress.
This film is worth watching if you’re able to turn off your brain and enjoy two attractive young people romp through a popcorn actioner. If you know anything at all about firearms and their related optics, you’ll be violently tossed out of the “magic circle” of disbelief when Miles Teller’s character zooms and focuses a kilometer using a holographic sight, and then watch both characters pick off targets at that range, with those sights, with pinpoint accuracy. This is particularly egregious when you learn that holographic sights provide a 1X magnification, meaning it really only puts a lit-up crosshair over your target.
But I digress.
Fortunately, the incident with the scope happens early enough to set the tone for the rest of the flick. I was able to put it behind me and enjoy the fantasy for what it was. It was interesting to me, though, coming off the stellar SAS Rogue Heroes which features a true warrior poet in the form of Lieutenant Paddy Mayne, and... well, you’ll figure it out if and when you watch The Gorge.
Oh, and Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross scored the show, so it’s got that going for it.