The White Room

If you read this website with any seriousness, you know that I’ve recovered a hard drive that I thought was lost. On that drive is my lifelong digital collection of music, a collection that started around 1998 and (mostly) continues to this day. I say “mostly” because in this era of streaming services I hardly ever download-to-keep the actual songs. Whatever the mode of delivery, there now exists a divide between music I have ready, “permanent” access to, and music I’m “borrowing”.

I remember listening to KLF’s The White Room while sitting in my family doctor’s waiting room sometime in the mid-90’s. I remember the smell of that place: manila folders and pill-dust. The beige, low pile carpet that the modern wooden-framed chairs were also upholstered in. The dogeared copies of Reader’s Digest and People magazine. And, most importantly, the anxiety of missing the call to see the doc.

During one of these visits, for reasons I now, three decades later, fail to recall, I know I heard about those who were “justified and ancient” and “came from Mu Mu Land”. And I’m pretty sure that most of the music on that album was as underwhelming to the pre-adult me as it is to the adult me. But 3 A.M. Eternal still slaps.

2025.02.12 – 2025.02.15

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